Sharing Christmas with Amazon communities

It’s the holiday season at home and at Delfin. We recently visited the Atun Poza community along our sailing route, and you can´t imagine the children’s faced when we arrived with treats!

Atun Poza community is located on the Puinahua River, and we decided to venture on land to give some Christmas presents for the local children. After all, our dedication to working in harmony with the environment around us means naturally as well as socially.

The children were so surprised to see us, with wide open eyes and joy. Normally they don’t see many toys; these are communities that are very far away from anything else. They don’t receive many visitors!

For many of the children, their favorite toys were animals and canoes. One boy received a toy with many buttons making loud sounds, and he just had the widest smile on his face. He was the talk and envy of  all his friends!

There was no doubt about it, all the happiness and smiles felt and seen that day made our visit entirely worth it.